Category talk:Publisher Continuity Series

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Revision as of 00:35, 4 April 2007 by Kay T (talk | contribs)
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I set up a separate page for Publisher Promotions to differentiate between them and Publisher Continuity Series, since they're two different things. There should also be a separate category for series written by a single author, which is also different than a continuity series (related stories written by different authors) or a promotion (different authors; unrelated stories), but I'm not sure what it should be called. --Leigh

Leigh, I was trying to help straighten out the confusions, so perhaps new pages would help. Questions
  1. The Publisher continuity series was a category. Is that what you made the Promotions page?
  2. I don't know how anyone would be able to identify which series are continuity series and which are just flash. In other words, based on the information in RomanceWiki, Amazon, author pages, I can create a page for the series "Men at Work" and list all of the books that are identified as being part of "Men at Work", but I have no way of knowing if Men at Work is related stories or just about men at work. Does it matter?
  3. Also, for the author continuity series in the Category-type books where the series are given names, does it matter if it is listed as a Publisher Continuity series? We have a list page already called Series, also see Series (disambiguation) where I tried to figure out what we were calling different things because I am/was confused. I think that as long as these types of series are identified and CATEGORIZED as a type of series so that they can be found by the wiki-user it probably does not matter. --Kay T 14:27, 3 April 2007 (PDT)
  1. Yes, I also made the Publisher Promotion page a Category.
  2. I admit that I'm anal, but I do think it matters to differentiate between the Continuity Series and Publisher Promotions, just to make it clear to anyone looking up a book that it is unrelated to other books in the "series" or whether it is part of a larger story. I admit it may not be easy to tell which is which unless you're familiar with the series, but I tried to change the ones I knew about.
  3. You're right, it probably doesn't matter to differentiate between author-driven and publisher-driven continuity series. But in that case (and I admit this is just me being anal again), can we just make the Category Continuity Series instead of Publisher Continuity Series to be more general and accurate? If it is just a series by one author, there's no reason to call it a Publisher Continuity Series, right? I know you did a lot of work, but I just wanted to make it as accurate as possible and there's really no reason to call, say, Evelyn Vaughn's Grailkeeper's series, a Publisher Continuity Series instead of a Continuity Series since she generated all the books and linked the stories herself. ----Leigh

I found the category page after I posted! You had so many changes I did not see it!

2. I think that if you know it is one or the other (continuity or flash), then I don't have a problem with you changing the category. Just that it goes in one category or another. The one that I am thinking about is a Ruth Wind book that is in the "Last Roundup" series, or something (without looking it up right now). I don't know if that was a related series or just a promotion. Maybe if we aren't sure leave it in continuity? Or put it in both (probably a better idea unless you want to keep the flash more accurate)? I can understand the anal part (not you necessarily), but my obsession is to make sure they can be found and identified, even if we are not sure. But if we are not sure then making the category more specific makes it less accurate and more misleading.

3. As for the author continuity series, I am still not sure whether to have a separate one for author series v publisher series. Since the books that are not "category" that are also series or related at this time do not have a wiki category on them, would we call them continuity series, too? or author series? I started to take out the "one-author" series from the continuity page, but then was not sure where to classify them. So. Maybe keep publisher continuity series (since that does seem to be a different kind of animal) and make a new "author series" or "author continuity series" page. In looking at more author series, there are not that many separate pages for the series (except that Series page), but they are listed on the author's page. Would people start putting that category on the individual book pages as well? Do we want that? Should we leave a note for RomanceWiki and see what she thinks? I think as long as we come up with some sort of scheme. This is a great place for us type-A thinkers. --Kay T 17:35, 3 April 2007 (PDT)