Last Call

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When a local werewolf pack’s leader is forced to temporarily leave town due to the death of his father, all hell breaks loose when his replacement, a sadistic madman bent on riding the world of humans, decides to make his temp job a little more permanent. Reclaiming his position as alpha male won’t come without a fight, and Maxim is prepared to do just that, until he falls for an ex-dancer turned waitress, Rayme Perkins.

Two years ago Rayme Perkins life was forever changed. After narrowly escaping a brutal attack, her dreams of being a famous dancer died. The once vibrant young girl, who dreamt of Broadway, has now been reduced to serving drinks in a small bar. Rayme had all but given up on finding happiness until a chance meeting with a mysterious stranger turns her world upside down.

Rating: This story contains mature situations, graphic violence, strong language, explicit sex, and a women's love for multiple men. It is not intended for the faint of heart.




5 Hearts-Mandy M. Roth is known for her gutsy writing and down to earth story telling. No-holds-barred, she delivers a raunchy tale full of adventure, excitement and hot sex. In Last Call, the reader will be captivated by the story in the very first paragraph. With vivid description, the reader will be pulled into Rayme’s head and experience all the feelings of desperation, hope, love and lust. Ms. Roth has written this story in the first person through the viewpoint of Rayme. The reader will see how it is when a woman loves two men, and there is a very hot ménage de trois scene. With twists and turns, Last Call has some surprises that will keep the reader interested and enthralled. This reviewer enjoyed this story and can only highly recommend it to readers who love a dark romance. Mandy M. Roth’s career started only a year ago, but she has proven to be a very prolific and versatile writer. ~ Valerie, Love Romances

5 Stars~ When I read a story by Mandy Roth, I know that the heroine will be spirited, passionate, and determined. The heroine she created for LAST CALL certainly has all these qualities, and her story will grasp readers and pull them into this suspenseful and emotional tale. The story will leave you breathless, and the characters will steal your heart. LAST CALL is an entertaining blend of constant danger, fiery love scenes and emotional turmoil. With her talent for creating powerful and independent characters, Mandy Roth has skillfully written another immensely rewarding tale. Her characters always have realistic personalities, which makes me deeply care for their well-being. Rayme, Max and Jovan are each forceful in their own way, and anytime these characters are together, then the scene is emotionally dynamic. When their situation leads to anything intimate in nature, then readers are treated to fervent, very hot sex scenes, as these supernatural beings are very passionate. LAST CALL carefully weaves reality with wonder, and the result is pure magic.~Amelia Richard, eCataRomance Reviews

4 Blue Ribbons~Mandy Roth’s LAST CALL was a pleasurably stimulating book to read. I couldn’t decide which of her hero’s I wanted victorious as they both held a special place in Rayme’s heart and mine. Normally I don’t think of romance in terms of a threesome, but Mandy Roth’s ability to incorporate love into a sexually explicit ménage a trios, is something that is not seen often enough. I recommend this fantastic read to lovers of the paranormal genre who appreciate a well written romance of substance, style, and of course, a few well placed love bites.~ Romance Junkies