Donna Young

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Donna Young was born and raised in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. Always an avid reader, she grew up the youngest, but certainly, not the quietest of seven children In her family, books were recycled almost as often as clothes. Westerns, Espionage, Fantasy, Sci Fi, Romance--she ended up loving them all.

That, combined with an over active imagination, a strong dependence on coffee and an unwavering belief in "happily ever after" seemed to do the trick. When her son was almost a year old, she quit her job in the health insurance industry and became a full time mom. Within weeks, she drove her husband crazy with phone calls. Several a day--just to partake in an adult conversation. One day she complained about a particularly bad book (her opinion of course) and he came home with a laptop and challenged her to write a book of her own.

So she did. And she hasn't looked back since.

Even though she has been writing seriously for over five years now, Donna still struggles to balance her writing career with that of being a full-time mom.

But she wouldn't have it any other way.

Three years ago, she moved from Denver, Colorado to Northern California with her husband and their children. When she isn't writing, Donna's hanging with her kids, golfing, reading and taking in late night movies with her husband.
