Elayne S. Venton

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Like many authors, writing has always been a passion for me. After attending many RWA conferences and winning several RWA chapter writing contests, I decided to bite the bullet and submit something to a publisher. A friend recommended e-publishing for starters (for the fast turnaround time), and now I can't write fast enough! So many ideas flowing through my head...

I enjoy writing in several genres where the characters’ passions hurl them together and love binds them throughout time.

Currently, I live in the rural south with my wonderful, industrious husband, two teenagers, and a lovable golden retriever. In my spare time, I volunteer at the local historical society.

On the Web

Visit my website! Check out my new releases, reviews, works in progress, and CONTESTS!

E-mail me at elayne@esventon.com



Stand Alone Novellas

Series/Related Titles