Space, Man

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Whoever said space was cold, never found love among the stars…

Some people never learn. This is the tune playing once again in Alex Beaumont’s head when he sees a vision in white attracting odd glances in the quiet little seaside resort of Padstow. He came to get away from it all, to bury himself in work, to forget that every man he ever falls for eventually needs to get away… from him.

Love is not what Alex ever imagined it to be. They say space is infinite but the distance between what Alex wants and what he has experienced romantically seems to be growing… until now. Like a shooting star, he’s about to fall… long and hard, but the question is this time whether he’ll crash and burn or find the love he’s always dreamed of when looking at the night sky.

Alex’s heart has been broken one too many times. When a piece of ass is no longer good enough… where does a broken heart look for the love of his life? He looks to the stars…

Order Space, Man.