Bridal Black

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DARK DESTINY. Beautiful Amy Wilton had always considered herself to be a levelheaded young woman, a quality she had desperately needed when bother her parents died, leaving her totally alone in the world. But then handsome horse-breeder Alex Paige came galloping down a Central Park path and into her life, sweeping her off her feet, and making her his bride. And for one month, she was the happiest of women. Tragedy struck suddenly, as, only days before they were to journey to Greenlawn, Alex's Virginia home, he was killed in a riding accident. Now Amy Paige was taking her husband's body home to a family she had never met and whom Alex had warned her against. Alone, Amy must brave the wrath of the Paige family as she claimed Greenlawn for her own. Yet if Amy had known the terror that awaited her in a place where her only ally was charming Jess Foster, a sworn enemy of all the Paige's, she would have boarded the first train back North, leaving Death to rule unchallenged at Greenlawn.