Catalina's Caress

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HOT BLOODED RACES. When dashing Marc Copeland won the Southern Belle from her brother in a card game innocent Catalina Carrington was confident she could buy the riverboat back from the debonair gambler. But when the arrogant cad named his price—three days as his mistress—the sumptuous beauty's fury knew no bounds. She vehemently swore she'd never meet his terms... but even as she protested, Catalina couldn't slow her racing pulse nor calm her breathless gasps nor still her romantic heart imagining the sensual splendor she could have were she to relent to the ebon-haired scoundrel! BLACK-HEARTED SCHEME The moment virile Marc Copeland saw curvaceous Catalina, he knew exactly what the next step would be in his long-planned downfall of the Carrington: to seduce the golden-eyed chit, then toss her out with her reputation in shreds. But as he stroked her hip-length tresses and boldly traced her lush ripe form, the insolent male thought less of ruining her and more of ravishing her. On the morrow there'd be time aplenty for revenge. Tonight he would reap the rewards at hand and glory in the passionate pleasures and ecstatic delights of CATALINA’S CARESS