User talk:Kay T

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Revision as of 01:28, 30 August 2007 by DawnBurn (talk | contribs) (Page Deletion Conversation addition)
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2007 Rita Page?

Hi Kay, I was messing around with Laura Lee Guhrke's page and wanted to add her 2007 Rita finalist thing. I'm looking through all the books listed on the 2007 RITA page and they all link back to the generic RITA page, not the 2007 one?? (Well, I haven't checked them all yet. :) I guess as a larger question, is there an easy way to look up the 'wiki name' of a page when you want to create a link to it?

Since I started the review blog in May, I've read a whole lot of 'new to me' authors so that's been a big bonus. Of course the impact on my time and budget hasn't been as positive. :) I thought I would start with my best reviews and move down in creating pages here, so the ones I've done I really like. Glad you like them too. :)--Heloise Abelard 08:39, 23 August 2007 (PDT)

easy way to look up the 'wiki name' of a page when you want to create a link to it? No I don't think there is an easy way to find the name of the page except through go/search. If you open another window it might help, "go" goes to the page, "search" finds pages with those words on it. Another feature that sometimes helps is the "What links here" which will show you the list of pages linking to the page your are on/editing. Finally, there is a page under "Special pages" that lists pages, but I think they are in some weird order.
I am not sure about the RITA page links, because, although I created the 2007 RITA page I did not create many of the book pages (or if I did, I forget). Sometimes we just get lazy and put in the generic link thinking that at least it is a link and better than nothing! Maybe the thinking was that the person linking to RITA might just want to know what RITA was and the generic page was the best place to send them.
Another thing to get the hang of (which I have not yet figured out) is how to carry on a conversation here. One side on one user's page and the other on the other??? Aaghhh! Keeping it here for now. --Kay T 13:23, 23 August 2007 (PDT)
For what it's worth, I use search first (search is a girl's best friend, if you ask me). That lets me get the correct name of a page. I'm not sure if this answers Heloise's (love your name, it's so romance) question, but as I've (slowly) added the RITA-winning books (and finalists), I've linked back to the specific category (see [[The Husband Trap). For finalists, however, it might make more sense to link to the main RITA page as, at least for very current years, we're listing finalists and winners there. Which, I see now, I didn't do.
As always, I remain open to suggestions.
When it comes to page management, I am an avowed, fanatic user of Firefox, which allows me to have many tabs open simultaneously. I can work in one tab, search in another, have Google open in a third, the category page in a fourth, Amazon in it obvious that I'm a lunatic? I know Safari does tabs and believe (though haven't tried as I'm on a Mac) that the new Internet Explorer is a tab-friendly place. Generally, I'm doing a lot of research and back-and-forth, so this works really well for me.
Finally, and I feel bad about cluttering up Kay's page (okay, I don't), is it time to start a list for discussion, etc? Thoughts? Ideas? I've also considered starting a RomanceWiki blog, but it's more thought than action (obviously....--Romancewiki 21:36, 24 August 2007 (PDT)

Wow, thanks for the thorough answers/discussion. I'll try using search more as I'm moving around looking for pages, and it sounds like "What links here" would also be very useful. (You mean I don't have to try every single link on the whole dang page to find one that links back! Duh, Heloise.) I think my problem with the 2007 RITA page was that the name of it actually includes the word Winners. Too much for my brain to handle without some caffeine.

Thanks for the nice comment on my name. I was very pleased to see Heloise and Abelard mentioned on one of the History of Romance pages! I was a Medieval History major in college, eons ago!--Heloise Abelard 13:45, 27 August 2007 (PDT)


Hi Kay T, thank you for the welcome :-) Roaming27 13:53, 11 January 2007 (PST)

Drop Dead Gorgeous

I was wondering if something was missing from this sentence in Drop Dead Gorgeous, it doesn't read well:
Which challenge she accepts, but her resolve is tested when someone begins to try to kill her.
I posted here because I wasn't sure if it was on your watchlist. Thank you. Roaming27 14:27, 11 January 2007 (PST)

thanks roam - I made a change, but feel free to edit me!!--Kay T 17:04, 12 January 2007 (PST)
okee-dokee :-) Roaming27 22:16, 12 January 2007 (PST)

Historical Romance Titles

If you have time, I'd like your opinion on the discussion at Talk:Historical_Romance_Titles.
I've also left a message at Romancewiki's talk page to get their input too. Roaming27 00:37, 13 January 2007 (PST)


I've been a little nuts this week and didn't get back to you about the category thing. I *did* start playing with them a little more, trying to refine them, that sort of thing. Even as I cut back and combined things, I saw where expansion will help (Regency, of course, being one that needs a lot of work). I'm trying to work off the structure you created as well. Today, I'm going to focus on original content instead of categories. Even my orderly (ha!) brain needs a play day! --Romancewiki 11:08, 27 January 2007 (PST)

I added my thoughts to Category talk:Publisher Continuity Series... --Romancewiki 20:21, 3 April 2007 (PDT)
The software was just upgraded (with minimal cursing, so it was way better than the last attempt). The categories are now alpha...--Romancewiki 19:47, 17 February 2007 (PST)

I like the librarian in another life thought -- my mom's a librarian, so I have a soft spot for them. I'll take a look at what you've done. It looks like this is going to be a quiet weekend, workwise, so I'll have some time to play with things. If you haven't dropped Laura a note, I'll try to catch her and ask her to check the plot devices out as well. Sometimes it's six of one, a half dozen of the other.--Romancewiki 18:32, 2 March 2007 (PST)


Thanks for doing the fixes with the "and" sign and more. I just logged in and saw that you beat me to the punch! --Romancewiki 22:45, 10 April 2007 (PDT)

Hello Kay T

Thanks for your message, I adore romantic novels, and I have varied information about authors (but in Spanish), I try to share the information, but not always my English is correct. --E-romance 03:08, 12 May 2007 (PDT)

Publisher Table

I do like what you did with the table on the publishers page. It looks so much cleaner. You're right that the coding is a little complex (though, honestly, less complex than some HTML tables I've seen). I think I will add a "watch" to the page to make sure that the coding is followed if and when new publishers are added. The good news is that there shouldn't be that many new ones -- she says with fingers crossed.

I will be working some this weekend...after I finish my very long reading stint. I'm sure you can guess the book! --Romancewiki 17:35, 20 July 2007 (PDT)

Page Deletion Flagging

Hi Kay T. Thanks for the notes on my mistake. However, in other work I did discover a double of a page for the same title and flagged one for deletion. Page flagged for deletion versus more corrected formatted pagetitle. I have also linked the second for a Title disambiguation page since there is more than one Mirage book listed. Thanks. --18:28, 29 August 2007 (PDT)