Moon Shadow - Lucinda Betts

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For the right man, a sorceress will reveal her secrets...and her deepest desires...

Esmenet Sokaris specializes in love spells…and her exclusive clientele is clamoring for more. She needs an assistant with experience in arcane matters—and he must be willing to participate in the most sensual of erotic rituals…

Tall, built, and eager to please, Gage Feldspar is perfect. But Esmenet has her reasons for keeping their relationship strictly professional. Yet their scorching encounters leave Gage wondering where business ends and pleasure begins--just as his own magic grows more potent in Esmenet's presence. Each phase of the moon brings mistress and apprentice that much closer to total surrender—and its soul-shattering consequences...


“Highly sensual romance.” --Romantic Times on MOON SHADOW, four star review