Penny Dawn

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Penny Dawn began writing at the tender age of seven, and she's delighted to now call her favorite pastime a career. Romantic stories with passionate twists have become her forte! She has published several shorts, novellas, and full-length novels of varying degrees of heat...from simmer to sizzle.

Penny Dawn holds a B. A. in history and English from Northern Illinois University, and an M.A. in Creative Writing from Seton Hill University, where she studied under romance extraordinaire Leslie Davis Guccione, among others. When she isn't writing, Penny enjoys tap, ballet, and jazz dance, physical fitness, and renovating her 1906 Victorian Lady with her husband and two daughters.

If you wish to contact Penny, please drop her a line, or request an invitation to join Penny Dawn's Romance...with a Passion!, at

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Romance...with a Passion!

"Ms. Dawn’s knack for fast and funny banter is priceless. Where she gets her inspiration I can’t imagine but I’m forever grateful! The sex scenes are some of the hottest that I’ve ever read and let’s face it, I’ve read A LOT."

-Kerin Hansen, Two Lips Reviews (