Bitten, Again

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It took some major convincing for Nigel to accept that Sondra, his vampiric daughter, is in love with a member of the drag queen band The Elixir Maidens. Nigel’s super-conservative beliefs have frequently caused problems throughout his long life, but rather than risk losing Sondra forever he agreed to accept her cross-dressing fiancé, Richie.

On the eve of Sondra and Richie’s wedding, Nigel realizes that a drag queen son-in-law is the least of his worries. Richie’s tall, dark and mysterious Creator, Daniel, appears unexpectedly at the reception and Nigel is faced with a long denied love that’s stronger than ever. Only time -- and a little matchmaking from The Elixir Maidens -- will tell if that love is powerful enough to overcome wounds that have bled since the days of ancient Rome.

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