Prey For Me

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What would you do if you found a handsome vampire in your basement?

Burnt out from solving one violent crime too many, Detective Jessica Croft welcomes the chance to take a break from her job and throw her energy into renovating an old mansion inherited from her Aunt Rose. But Jess's life takes a bizarre turn for the worse when she knocks down a false wall in the basement of her new home and discovers Prey—an enigmatic vampire with a death wish—interred within.

Prey's unintentional liberation attracts demon vampires like bees to a honeypot. Caught in the middle, Jess becomes a reluctant pawn in their sadistic games. Hounded at every step and desperate to survive, she turns to Prey for help. Together they discover a union more intense and intimate than either could have imagined. But can they accept the terrible price they will ultimately have to pay to be together?