While Passion Sleeps

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THE LADY: Beth Ridgeway was a violet-eyed platinum beauty -- the kind of woman who made men burn with desire. Yet her husband Nathan didn't want her... THE ROGUE: Rafael Santana, the darkly handsome and arrogant son of a wealthy Texas family, had been kidnapped by the Comanches and raised as a warrior. Even now, all his gentleman's breeding couldn't conceal the savage strength beneath his aristocratic bearing. THE FURY: Beth thought he was cruel and insensitive, a man who used women only for his selfish pleasure and then tossed them away. Rafael thought she was a common wench -- flirtatious and unfaithful -- who took pride in breaking men's hearts. THE FIRE: Yet something had happened when their eyes first met at a dazzling New Orleans ball. Something their hearts could not deny, something neither the years nor the violent misunderstandings could diminish. Because for the first time, both Beth and Rafael were awakening to the magnificent passions of love.