Cry No More

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Revision as of 00:34, 8 October 2007 by Kay T (talk | contribs)
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Milla's two-year-old son, Justin, was kidnapped while the family was in Mexico where her husband, David, a surgeon, was performing pro bono surgical services. Justin was ripped from her arms and she was stabbed in the kidney, though she managed to permanently blind one of the kidnappers. Ten years later, Milla is divorced, and has founded a group called Finders. Finders specializes in finding lost loved ones, children mainly.

Milla has never given up on finding her son, and she now has obtained solid lead in her search. She believes a man named Diaz might have information concerning Justin's abduction. Once she meets Diaz, she realizes that he is not the man who took her son, but he does have information that can help her find the man she blinded. Diaz is a bounty hunter/assasin. He hunts down the bad guys and may or may not kill them, depending on the situation. For his own reasons, he decides to help Milla find Justin. They are uneasy allies, and only slowly do they come to care for each other. The hurt that Milla has suffered may not allow her to ever open up, and Diaz is also not an easy man to love.

This is not for the faint-of-heart, a real tearjerker.
