Zenobia Renquist

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Revision as of 12:14, 8 October 2007 by Kuriosama (talk | contribs)
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An author of interracial romance in the paranormal, fantasy, sci-fi, and contemporary sub-genres. Zen-Ren (nickname) is D. Renee Bagby's alter ego, created to differentiate Renee's Mutliverse stories from her stand alone stories.

See Also


  • Imagination: Reality's Evil Twin


  • Zen-Ren - A shortening of Zenobia Renquist and usually how Renee refers to her alter ego.
  • The Acolyte - As D. Renee Bagby is Sekhmet's Avatar (on the website), so Zen-Ren is Renee's Acolyte. It's a theme Renee created for her website's motif.

On the Web


Free Reads


  • None yet, but working on it.