Caleb's Christmas Wish

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Book Description

How far would you go for the sake of a child?

In Jake Westin's world, the lines between black and red, profit and loss, are crisp and easy to delineate. A successful financial consultant living in Miami, Jake's only link to the "bad ol' days" of his youth is his best friend, Kenny Rydell. When Kenny and wife Pam are killed in a car accident during a Thanksgiving weekend ski trip, Jake catches the first plane west to his godson's rescue. Instead of a simple fix, he finds a situation that money alone can't remedy and a sad little boy who triggers memories Jake has worked hard to forget. Jake is determined to do the right thing for Caleb - even if that means sharing custody with the four-year-old's godmother, Allison Jeffries. Fiercely devoted to Caleb, Allison makes Jake begin to wish his perfect life wasn't located on the opposite side of the country.

Before the accident that claimed her best friend's life, Allison Jeffries's Fresno-based computer-consulting firm was her main focus. Her customers and employees filled a void left from a failed marriage and a pregnancy Allison was forced to abort. She suffers no illusion that she'd make a good mother, especially when watching her best friend Pam Rydell interact with son Caleb. But when tragedy strikes, Allison knows she'll do anything in her power to give her godson, Caleb Rydell, the life Pam intended for her son. Even if that means sharing a house with a charismatic stranger, who soon has her wishing she hadn't sworn off men.