Going To Extremes - Amanda Stevens

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Book Description

Aidan Campbell instinctively flew into the fray when the authorities rallied the troops to catch a gang of escaped convicts. Yet, as the adventurous bounty hunter scoured the storm-swept terrain with his teammates, he unexpectedly found himself rescuing a blond beauty dangling precariously from a cliff.

His protective nature kicked into high gear when Kaitlyn Wilson's fragmented memories recalled a grisly crime carried out by the very militia members he hunted. After Aidan spirited the fiercely independent investigative reporter away to a safe house, it seemed pointless to battle their potent attraction in the passionate afterglow. But when Kaitlyn's nose for the news lured her to trouble, could a heroic, high-speed helicopter chase prevent a full-scale catastrophe?

Related Titles

First in the Big Sky Bounty Hunters series.