Renna's Sacrifice

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Now Available at AQP -- This page contains an excerpt from Bernadette's Futuristic Erotica Renna's Sacrifice.


A delicate balance of power requires a young woman's sacrifice. Raised in seclusion among the pious Sisters of the Moons, Renna's life consists of hard work, peaceful contemplation and daily penance. Her only escape from the regimented world of the Refuge is at night, when she sneaks away and runs through the hillside, free temporarily from the rules that govern her existence. When she meets Benar, a disciple of the Sun God, Renna learns there is much more to life than obedient servitude. She falls in love and for the first time considers life outside the Refuge. When destiny interferes, Renna learns she must give up the man she loves to ensure peace on her world...


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