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Jesse's Homecoming
Jude Mason
ISBN: 1-59426-928-9
Publisher: Phaze
Contents: f/f, western
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When Jesse returns from a relaxing weekend of riding in the hills to find her lover, Meg, being brutally raped by an ex-husband she'd escaped from years ago, Jesse fires her gun, wounding the man. Battered and bruised, Meg is sure she's unlovable. It's up to Jesse to prove her wrong and to get the monster she'd married sent to prison.
Untying the reins, she said, "Come on, Pepper, let's go." The gelding looked at her, like a child wanting to stay, just a minute longer. Jesse reached for him and rubbed the side of his face, then pulled on the leather lead. He came, but slowly, as if savoring the last bit of fun before being put to bed.
She quickly slid into her shirt while Pepper wandered a little ways off to a patch of grass where he grazed peacefully. Pulling up more dried grass, she went to his side and brushed him, both drying him and checking for any sores from the two-day ride.
"Phew, now I'm tired fella." She ran her hands down his neck one more time, and then slid the hobbles over his feet. He'd be able to range a little, to feed overnight, but couldn't go far. She dragged her bedroll off the saddle, and found a soft spot on the moss. Once it was spread out, she went about building a fire and, after picking a few blackberries from a patch of bushes near the bank, she made a small dinner of bacon and the berries.
By the time she'd finished eating and cleaned the fry pan, it was dark. The campfire lit the area like a small cavern with its flickering brilliance. She filled her small tin coffee pot with water, and climbed back into her bedroll beside the fire. She'd have coffee for the morning.
Watching the stars slowly move across the night sky, she sank down under the covers and thought of Meg—Meg of the luscious curves, the abundant breasts, and the gently swelling tummy. Her breathing quickened and her hands slipped under the cover to the moist heat between her thighs. She eased her knees apart, allowing her fingers room to maneuver through the light sprinkling of pubic hair shielding her sex. Skimming over the tight knot of her clit, she gasped. Hips thrust upward. Her breath caught, and she shuddered. The blanket fell away from her breasts, the rough fabric dragging across her nipples, elongating, tightening, aching, as they lay bare to the cool night air.
"Oh, Meg," she moaned, sliding two fingers into her wet core and groaned when the palm of her hand pressed against her clit in a most delicious manner. Stirring her fingers, like a tiny pot of honeyed-lust, her muscles tensed in preparation. Goose bumps raced over her chest and up her neck. Her toes spread, stretched out and arched, as pleasure raged and grew.