Cat And Mouse - Dawn Stewardson

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Book Description

They say a cat has nine lives…

But master thief “El Gato”—the Cat—had even more. With rakish charm and clever disguises, he stayed one step ahead of the law as he plundered the Mexican seas. And now he was reputed to be masquerading on the salvage ship The Yankee Doodle. But as whom?

With one eye on the captain’s daughter, Zoe MacLeish, and one on the treasure in gold hidden under the sea, newest crew member Benito Cardenas looked more like a modern-day pirate than an antiquities expert. Under that Latin machismo, was he Benito…or El Gato?

In the Yankee’s tight quarters, Benito kept Zoe under his hot gaze, sticking closer to her than her shadow. But was his lust for her…or for the treasure? Either way, she feared she was in peril.