Harlequin American Romance

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Harlequin American debuted in 1983. The focus is on American life -- more of the small town variety than city life. In its heyday, American addressed many issues facing modern American Women. The first African American title published by any Harlequin imprint was Jackie Weger's A Strong And Tender Thread, Harlequin American Romance #5.

Today the line features "fast-paced, heartwarming stories about the pursuit of love, marriage and family in America today" and are set "everywhere that people live and love". Emphasis is placed on lively, well-constructed plots, a sense of community, and each story has a sense of adventure, optimism and a lively spirit. [1]

Harlequin American Romance titles that have won the RITA® or Golden Medallion are: Destiny's Sweet Errand by Deirdre Mardon.

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