Forbidden Attraction - Marisa Carroll

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Revision as of 00:03, 4 February 2008 by Amy (talk | contribs) (+related title, corrected year)
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Book Description

NASCAR driver Justin Murphy is content to go through life flying by the seat of his pants. Why bother with commitment—to racing, his girlfriend, or even living responsibly—when he can just have fun and occasionally finish in the top ten? But when an irate fan injures Justin, nurse Sophia Grosso makes him forget all about family obligations, his former love and even partying hard.… But any thoughts of a happily-ever-after are quickly extinguished by a reminder of the decades-long grudge between the Grossos and Murphys. Justin and Sophia come from families intent on tearing them apart. They whisper things that hurt. Secrets meant to drive a wedge between the lovers…for good.

Can Justin afford to ignore the misdeeds of the past…and marry the enemy's daughter?

Related Titles

In High Gear by Gina Wilkins, February 2008