Dear Cordelia

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Book Description

How do you give advice about THIS?

Food reporter Liza Dunnigan has always dreamt of being an investigative journalist and she's finally been given a chance. Her assignment? Track down the reclusive and wildly popular advice columnist "Cordelia."

The only way to get to Cordelia is through her publicist, Jack Graham. Under the guise of applying for a job taking care of his dog, Liza meets Jack--and soon realizes she's interested in more than a story!

But Jack Graham has a secret. Cordelia isn't his client, she's his alias. No one can ever find out that he's actually writing the column, since his reputation would be ruined. He's also a notorious playboy who doesn't plan to settle down. But with Liza in his life, he starts to reconsider..

Too bad there isn't really a Cordelia. Because with all the secrets they're keeping, Jack and Liza could use some advice!


  • 2005 Cataromance Reviewers' Choice Award