Diana Castilleja

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With more than half a dozen ebooks currently to her credit and one book due to be released this year in print, Diana Castilleja has kept busy since she started writing professionally in late 2004.

Diana currently resides in central Texas with her husband and son. When not focusing her energy on her family and her writing, she loves to travel and haunt bookstores. She's lived in several states across the south and midwest, as well as traveling to Mexico. With moving every year or changing schools since the fourth grade to her sophomore year, she learned reading was a fast escape. The freedom to read about anything and everything has fueled her adult imagination. She also enjoys romance, horses, and yes, still loves to read. She is a proud co-owner in Sweeter Romantic Notions, as well as a member of the writing resource forum Romance Divas.

To learn more about her and her writing, visit her website: www.dianacastilleja.com

On the Web



In alphabetical order:

It's Micah's last assignment, the one that would earn him his wings. He felt prepared for the challenge ahead of him this Christmas season—until he met her. Karen had been a forgotten child, a loner, and refused to open herself to hurt. She'd been down that road more than once, and very recently had been dealt a miserable hand, being stood up at the altar.

Could an angel on a mission have the answer to her frozen heart? Could the heart of a wounded child locked inside a grown woman bring a forever love together? Only the choice of an angel will make this a Christmas to remember, for both of them.

Lola Beckham is a hard working single mother, caring for her deaf son. Her ex-husband left her early in their marriage out of youthful ignorance and an inability to cope with a child with a handicap. She has managed and over time, Bennie has regained a relationship with his father and his current wife and children. Lola is glad for the family Bennie has and is thankful that Rick has matured enough to share his twin daughters and life with his son. She only wonders when she'll be able to stop living as a statistic and find a man who can accept her and the responsibility of her life and son.

Jessica Harden has lived her adult life raising and protecting her son. Except her surprises have been laying in wait for her. With the inheritance of her own business, her ordered life begins to experience the darker side of her ex-husband’s history, involving secrets and money. And someone in the shadows knows about both.

Rose St. Johns is being chased out of New York, trying to stay one step ahead of an overzealous fan that the police and her agent aren't above labeling stalker, although the last place she would expect them to send her is Las Vegas. Furious with her situation, fear is something she is slow to admit to. But circumstances don't allow her to be ambivalent for long when she is tracked to her hideaway. Her only hope lies in a man she knew as a boy, whose secrets are his, and his alone.