Written In The Stars

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Revision as of 01:51, 12 April 2006 by Jayelle Drewry (talk | contribs)
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“Written in the Stars” follows the romance of Sophia Love and Ethan James. They were dating until Sophia uttered the three words of doom, "I love you." At that point Ethan runs for the life of his bachelorhood. It takes less than a week for the guy to realize he's made a terrible mistake. Now he has to convince Sophia to talk to him and give him another chance.

I got the idea for this story while scanning the horoscope section of the paper. Some of them sound like the plot of a romance novel. So I decided to write a story based on the main character’s horoscope. The story begins with a weekly horoscope that outlines Sophia’s romance potential and each day begins with a daily horoscope predicting what will happen that day in her love life.

It's a free read on by website. Just click on the icon and it'll take you straight to the story. I had a lot of fun writing the story. I hope you enjoy reading it. Keep in mind “Written in the Stars” has not been edited. If there are any gross grammatical errors, I apologize up front. Hopefully, the errors will not detract from your enjoyment of Sophia’s and Ethan’s romance.