Jayelle Drewry

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Who's Jayelle?

In the beginning... As lonely only, she turned to books as a constant companion. She didn't discover reading for pleasure until the fourth grade, but she did she couldn't stop. By junior high she'd dicovered romance novels and used book stores. Talk about shopping sprees! All her allowance money went there.

Growing up... Who needed a boyfriend? She could never really find a guy to match the ones in her head. Romance novels ruined her for the average guy. In high school she had the occassional first date. College? It was a candy story! Why settle for one when she can sample them all?

The downfall... College was a blast! She claims not remember all of it, but she'd do it again in a heartbeat. But every Napolean meets his or her Waterloo. She met hers in her last year of college. He was tall, dark and handsome. Sound familar? She fell inlove immediately. No more partying for Jayelle. He married her and moved her away from home before her head could come out of the clouds. Truthfully, two kids later, she declares her head is still in the clouds.

The inspiration... In part, a large part, goes to her husband, a man she stills calls her "sweetie". Then believe it or not... her mother. Together the two most influential people of her life bought her a laptop and told her to write. Something. Anything.

The other part is a lot of reading (she is a devoted fan of Linda Howard, Dara Joy, Lora Leigh, and Emma Holly) and a very active imagination.

The results... Phaze.com has contracted two of her stories. Liquid Silver Books has contracted two as well. Jayelle still reads, but some nights she claims to hear voices in her head. Voices of characters yet to be.

Jayelle lives in the mountains of North Carolina. She is the mother of two boys, two cats, two fish, and any stray that finds its way to her door. Excerpts of Jayelle's work and a free short story, entitled Written in the Stars, can be located at her website Jayelle Drewry.

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