Reaper's Revenge

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Book Description:


Book Two of The Western Wind Series:

There's unfinished business in Haines City...

Cynyr Cree and his wife Aingeal have returned to the western town to protect its citizens from two men the Reaper thought he'd killed. With Cree have come the other six Reapers of his team, sent there by the Shadowlords to help stamp out an impending threat to all mankind lurking in the mountains of the high desert.

Otaktay, the Jakotai brave who once owned Aingeal, has sworn to take her back from Cree and to slay the Reaper before her eyes. Teaming up with Silas Gibbs, another Rogue, the Jakotai will let nothing stand in his way of retrieving the woman he believes belongs to him even if it means becoming a Rogue, himself.

From the blackness of space, the Triune Goddess Morrigunia keeps a close eye on Her beloved Reapers. When She senses death and danger stalking one of Her own in the form of the Ceannus--the immoral network of scientists who had brought the Rogues to Terran shores to destroy humankind--She returns to Terra with vengeance in Her eye and annihilation in Her black heart.

Take another exciting journey to the future with Cynyr and Aingeal.