Prime Reaper

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Book Description


Book Three of The Western Wind Series:

Prime Reaper Arawn Gehdrin had never expected to find a woman who would be willing to share her life with him. As the head of the Reaper unit, he was feared and loathed. Men stepped aside for him, women hid from him and children had nightmares when he showed up in their town. But that wasn't the case with Danielle Brewster, the sheriff's strong willed daughter. With flashing eyes and a saucy grin, she set out to win the Reaper's heart and capture his very soul...with a slice of cake!

Danielle saw only the good in Arawn Gehdrin and understood his loneliness like the back of her hand for that same loneliness stared back at her from the mirror each morning. His smile set her heart to racing and his dark good looks sent shivers of desire coursing through her body. There was no way she was going to let him get away from her.

Beyond the western mountains lurked an evil the Reapers thought destroyed. The Ceannus--alien creatures hell-bent on enslaving humankind--had returned to Terra with a vile secret meant to cripple the Reapers. With them they had brought horrendous death for the people of Terra.