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Book Description



Unholy Ties that Bind:

A Trio of Princes -- Conar McGregor, errant regent of Serenia; Sajin Ben-Alkazar, last in line to the throne of Kensett; Jaleel Jaborn, lecherous cousin to the Shiek of Dahrenia. Each with a secret to keep, each with a score to settle. Fate forces their meeting across the tournament field, predatory animals intent on winning the ultimate prize. But whose agenda will reign supreme and whose hatred will engulf the rest in a bittersweet victory?

A Trio of Sorceresses -- Daughters of desires darker than the night, older than the eons. A virgin, a temptress, a purveyor of male flesh. They too have secrets of their own--regarding Conar McGregor--and the means with which to make their wishes come true. Treachery and love will intertwine as they attempt to save Conar from an enemy far deadlier than Kaileel Tohre.

The Best of Friends; The Worst of Enemies -- From runaway to honored guest, from slave to escapee, Conar�s past and present collide in an explosive tale of pain and deceit, of rebirth and new-found love. Just when you thought Conar had suffered enough�along comes an enemy with motives more twisted than those of the Brotherhood.