Writers on Romance

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Writers on Romance

This page is for articles/speeches written by romance writers about the romance genre but not published in academic journals or books.

For a bibliography of academic articles and books about romance see the Romance Scholarship page.

For news items/features items about romance see the Romance in the Media page.

For romance-related resources which may be of interest to academics see the Romance Resources for Academics page.

Brashear, Jean, 2000. 'Writers Who Dare and the Editors Who Let Them', first published in Romance Writers Report. [1]

Crusie, Jennifer, 1998. 'Defeating the Critics: What We Can Do About the Anti-Romance Bias', first published in Romance Writer's Report, Vol. 18 Number 6. June 1998: 38-39, 44. [2]

Crusie, Jennifer, 2000. 'I Know What It Is When I Read It: Defining the Romance Genre', first published in Romance Writer's Report. [3]

Gracie, Anne, 'Romantic Myths', first in the Victorian Writers' Centre magazine, WriteOn, based in Melbourne, Australia. [4]

Krentz, Jayne Ann, 2000. 'Are We There Yet? Mainstreaming The Romance', Keynote Speech at Bowling Green State University Conference On Romance. [5]

Lowell, Elizabeth (Anne Maxwell), "Popular Fiction: Why We Read It, Why We Write It." [6]

McClain, Lee Tobin, 2003. ‘Sweet, Savage Academe: True Confessions of a Pulp Professor’, The Chronicle of Higher Education, 15 August 2003. [7]

Samuel, Barbara, 'Acts of Faith: Writing Romances as an Act of Courage', first given as a luncheon speech in Dallas. [8]