My Favorite Mistake

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Book Description

"I, Denise Cooke, take thee, Redford DeMoss, to be my lawful husband..."

No, wait... I did that already -- three years ago in a Vegas chapel after one too many Long Island Iced Teas. I married a hunky U.S. Marine I'd met only hours before. (The uniform did it.)

The wedding night -- week -- was spectacular. Then Redford went back to the Gulf. And I went back to my real life as a New York City financial planner... and filed for an annulment.

I'm dating Barry the TV producer these days, but I think about Redford... a lot. And now, thanks to an upcoming IRS audit, I'm about to see my "ex-husband" again. So why am I flustered? He's probably married, and I have -- um, what's his name. It's not as if Redford plans to take me back... or take me -- gulp -- to bed.

Besides, I'd never make the same mistake twice.

Not even my favorite one...

Related Titles

Cover Me
