Nadalia Bagratuni

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Author:Nadalia Bagratuni Genre: Erotica ISBN: 1-60695-052-5 Length: 44,000 Publication Date: 11/15/2008

Nothing Butt the Naked Truth is a first in a series time travel, erotic suspense novella about Dr. Chad Mamikonian, a college professor and his true love Lindsay Martin. The only problem with this entire affair in Dr. Mamikonian's mind is that Lindsay is one of his senior college students. He tries to wait but at last faced with unsurmountable odds, he finally gives into his deepest desires and they consumate their relationship the day before her final exam. Faced with a prospect of being discovered and loose of his position at the University, Dr. Mamikonian does the right thing. He and Lindsay escape six months into the future via his ultra top secret time machine. Safe from public scandal or loss of his job, Chad and Lindsay face their next challenge. They had become what they thought were the first pioneer couple to do time travel. They were unfortunately mistaken and both Chad and Lindsay were recruited into an elborate government scheme to right the wrongs of history. The couple with the help of a few friends now face the future knowing that they must set the record straight and change the past. Someone else is changing history and the changes that they set completely change the world as we know it. One event in history was so important that just by changing one aspect of that event, everything else changes. What was that event?