Jourdan Lane

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Jourdan Lane is a fulltime author residing in South Texas. She writes both erotic and romantic fiction -- including, but not limited to, GLBT fiction. While she loves Paranormal and Urban Fantasy, she also enjoys writing Comtemporary, Military, Law Enforcement, Horror, Thriller/Suspense, and more.

Jourdan is currently working on three full-length novels and a myriad of short stories. A full list of works in progress can be found on Jourdan's website.

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Series/Related Titles

Soul Mates Series:

Soul Mates: Bound by Blood

Soul Mates: Deceptions

"Instinct" in The Call Anthology

Soul Mates: Sacrifice

"Possession: A Soul Mates Story" in the Spiked Anthology


Soul Mates: Bound by Blood - 2006 Preditors & Editors Reader's Poll Top 10 Finisher for Best Romance Novel; 2007 Best Novel Nominee - Gaylactic Spectrum Award

Soul Mates: Deceptions - 2008 Best Novel Nominee - Gaylactic Spectrum Award