Endangered Hearts

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File:Http://www.liquidsilverbooks.com/images/endangeredhearts kc.jpg

Endangered Hearts

Devastated by his fiancée’s betrayal, Jack just wants to be left alone. In the isolated serenity of the Smokey Mountains, he has finally started to rebuild his life. Unfortunately, an old friend has asked for the loan of Jack’s extra cabin so his aunt can work on her latest novel. He does owe his friend. Besides, how much trouble could some old maid be?

Only Abby is a hell of a lot younger than Jack expected, and her sexy body turns his blood molten. And when his friend Clay arrives, things really heat up.

But someone is watching them. Someone who doesn’t like what is happening between the two lovers. Someone who has other plans for them.

Jack and Abby must learn to rely on each other and their growing feelings because, before long, it is not only their hearts that are endangered, but also their lives.

Contains: M-M-F, F-F, light bondage and spanking