Climbing Rose

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Climbing Rose is The Wild Rose Press's young adult line.


Climbing Roses is our Young Adult line. These stories portray young women, ages 14-19, in a variety of genres. We accept stories written in first person or limited third person with multiple points of view, but the main character must be a female. While the stories may not adhere to the strictest sense of romance, they must contain at least some romantic tension. This means that the stoires could have a romantic plot or one that is only vaguely implied. Think Twilight, diary of a Teenager Girl, Princess Diaries, and many of the current Nancy Drew books. Climbing Roses books encompasses a vareity of genres from mystery to inspirational, paranormal to historical. Cliimbing Roses manuscripts should contain believable characters with real-life appeal and circumstnaces with which young women identify.

Any spiritual themes or life lessons should be woven into a strong plot in a way that is not preachy or thrown in the end. The Wild Rsoe Press will not accept any manuscript that gives a negative or "mean girl" type of feeling. Characters that are romantically involved should be shown in a PG type environment. Meaning, nothing more than a kiss should be described between the hero and the heroine. The language should be G rated in regards to profanity. We will also not accept any paranormal that becomes too dark or negative.

When submitting to Climbing Roses ask yourself the following:

Is my main character femal and between the ages of 14-19 years of age?

Is the language appropriate for today's teenage? Is it up to date and conversational?

Do I have some sort of romantic element in the story?

Is the plot intriguing and exciting without being too simplistic or too complex?

Is the theme realistic and meaningful to today's youth without being preachy?

Does my main character have a clearly defined goal she is trying to achieve?

Does my story build to a natural and effective climax?

Do I avoid crass language or sexual situations that are inappropriate for this line?

Climbing Roses uses a teen focus group to review all manuscripts. While the reviewing editor has the final decision, the opinions of this panel of young women are crucial to the success of this line. The compilation of their opinions will guide the acceptance of the manuscripts and be given as feedback to the authors.

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