Nadine Dajani

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Nadine Dajani (b. 1978) is a Canadian author of Arab-Lebanese descent. Born in Beirut, Lebanon, to Palestinian parents, she lived in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, until her family settled in Montreal in 1987.

Dajani has worked as a certified accountant in Montreal and in the Cayman Islands offshore banking industry. She also studied fashion marketing before settling in the Caymans.

Her first chick-lit novel, Fashionably Late, is set in Montreal and Havana and features a Lebanese-Canadian accountant with a taste for fashion. Her second, Cutting Loose, revolves around a Miami-based Latina magazine and three women who work there: one from Honduras, one from Saudi Arabia, and one Arab-Lebanese. Dajani has said that she created the characters in Cutting Loose out of "a desire to turn certain stereotypes on their heads. For example ... so many Arabs (Lebanese Arabs especially) living in the US are Christian, not Muslim".

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