The Last of the Mansions / Survivors of Darkness

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COME HOME TO TRAGEDY. One house stood alone on Nob Hill, where a short while before many stately mansions had towered. And young Jessica Taylor's homecoming was a bewildering shock when she discovered that her parents and sister had perished in the cataclysmic San Francisco earthquake and fire. The house stood ... and was now hers. But ownership was no consolation for her grief. Worse than that, ownership created many new problems. Wherever she looked, she could see only ashes, desolation ... and unfriendly faces. Unreasonably -- or was in unreasonably? -- her former neighbors seemed to blame her for the tragedy. Then, like vultures, complete strangers moved in to claim shares of the inheritance. Jessica needed every ounce of courage and determination she possessed -- but when she saw her sister's ghost, even those qualities threatened to flee...