The Druid Made Me Do It

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Book Description

Second book in a series of funny paranormal romances by Natale Stenzel. Pandora's Box was the first book and Between a Rock and a Heart Place will be the third.


Dark, powerful, sexy Kane. He has many names, but in truth he is Robin Goodfellow, the one-time favored son of Oberon, King of Faerie. For centuries, he's worked his magic, seducing and pleasuring women as befits his puca nature. But Kane made one big mistake -- punishing his brother for a crime he did not commit.


Oh yeah, he also left Dr. Janelle Corrington after the most amazing night of her life. Their lovemaking was brief, intense...and a one-night stand. While she'd established what she thought was a soul connection that could occur only once in any lifetime, he was simply having sex. Why else would he have disappeared without a word? That's why the Druid Council's punishment for Kane's other crime is so delicious: for him to be Janelle's ward, to make amends to all he harmed, to take responsibility for his actions. Finally, Kane would have to take things seriously. And only true love would be rewarded.

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  • Romantic Times BOOKreviews: 4 1/2 Stars

"A wonderful, magical romance with a delightful hero and a smart and intelligent heroine, this sequel to PANDORA'S BOX has a number of familiar faces as well as some new ones. There's plenty of magic, but the hero and heroine also face their problems and their future in a realistic way."