Cara North

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From Cara's website:

What can I say about Cara North?

I'm an author. I am a teacher. I am a student. As an author I write fiction. As a teacher I mainly deal with academic writing. I am in my second year of a PhD program for Higher Education Administration and I find that most of my writing time these days is taken up by papers and projects for grades. I will enjoy the day when I am finished with the PhD program and I can write full time and teach part time;that is my goal! Well that and to one day become a New York Times Best Selling Author, but I need to write a book and get a New York contract for that to happen. One book at a time. I am taking life just one book at a time now.

I am a honorably discharged US Marine. I enjoy writing about the Marine Corps now in a romantic sense becasue it has been over 12 years since I was on active duty. I miss it some days; especially when I am in a classroom full of Marines making them write essays. Most days I am glad to be a civilian because have the opportunity to chose what I wear to work. I think I will produce more military and other short stories in the upcoming year as short stories are going to be my best bet until I finish school.

I still live in North Carolina with my husband, and our pets.

I love to hear from readers.

Thank you for reading my work, my website, and maybe you will even read my blogs.