Out Of Time - Samantha Graves

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Book Description


Museum curator Jillian Talbot has the gift of psychic “Sight”, but she never expects it to land her in the middle of a battle for money and power between murderous underground elements. The object of their greed: an ancient crystal lens that can unlock mysteries from the past…but only for someone with the Sight. To stay alive, Jillian must seek the help of a cynical tomb raider, but is he worthy of her trust?


Tombraider Simon Bonner wants out of the looting game…until the crystal lens lands on his doorstep. The crystal’s secret is locked inside the eyes of straight-laced Jillian who still believes in doing the right thing. As she and Simon track the mystery deep into Mexico, their desire to stay alive and growing passion for each other makes every move a dance with danger


Tomorrow could be history.

Out of Time was a 2009 RITA® finalist in the RITA®: Best Contemporary Single Title category.

On the Web


  • * Cover quote: "A clever twist to the paranormal and suspense... Definitely my kind of novel!" -- Heather Graham, New York Times Best-selling author
  • "Think Romancing the Stone. Think Indiana Jones. Think of heavy passion and dangerous adventure and many characters who all have their own special agenda. This is terrific!"~ Romance Reviews.