The Hawk And The Dove - Anne Hampson

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1970 UK Edition
By Anne Hampson
Publisher Harlequin Presents #22
  Mills & Boon Romance #439
Original Release Date Oct 1973 (US)
  May 1970 (UK)
Harlequin Presents Series #
Preceded by The Unwilling Bride
Followed by The Legend Of Lexandros
Mills & Boon Romance Series #
Preceded by Bird Of Paradise
Followed by Summer In December

Book Description

When Janis married Perry Caton, after a very short acquaintance, she was in no doubt as to what she was doing.

It was a marriage of convenience. If he did not marry by a certain date, Perry would lose his inheritance and the family home he loved above everything else; Janis was alone in the world and penniless --so what, really, had she to lose? I n any case, Perry had made it clear that in due course they would "do the obvious thing" about the situation -- and Janis understood what he meant by that.

As time went on, she began to feel that it would be no hardship to put her marriage on a normal footing -- until it began to dawn on her that perhaps that was not what Perry had meant at all .

Publication History

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

Oct 1973 <br\> US Edition