Price Of Love

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1967 UK Edition
By Rachel Lindsay
Publisher Harlequin Presents #45
  Mills & Boon Romance #240
Original Release Date May 1974 (US)
  Jul 1967 (UK)
Harlequin Presents Series #
Preceded by Petals Drifting
Followed by Prelude To Enchantment
Mills & Boon Romance Series #
Preceded by The Feel Of Silk
Followed by Love And Lucy Granger

Book Description

Paula MacKinnon was a dedicated doctor, whose work and whose patients would always be more important to her than her private life. Jason Scott was a rich man's son, an admitted playboy, whose idea of work, when he bothered to work at all, was to be a racing driver.

A thoroughly ill-matched couple, in fact, and Paula, while not denying the tremendous physical attraction that existed between them, was convinced that marriage would be a disaster. Shouldn't she listen both to her own sense of reason and to her far more suitable colleague, Mark Edgar?

But Jason was prepared to take a chance, and so they married -- only to find the difficulties as great even as Paula had anticipated. Would they ever be able to solve their problem?

Publication History

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

May 1974 <br\>US Edition