Sable Grey

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About the Author and Artist

Sable Grey resides in the deep south of the United States with her wonderful husband, very spoiled dog, and three crazy cats. Along with fellow author, Deanna Lee, she is owner of Cobblestone Press, LLC, an electronic publisher of mainstream, sensual, and erotic romance. She spends her spare time managing her graphics design company Sable Grey Designs, writing books, watching movies, and reading.

With favorite authors like Stephen King, Piers Anthony, and Iris Johansen, it's no mystery where the inspiration to write tales of love, adventure, and mystery come from. An avid reader and storyteller at a young age, Sable began writing small stories as a child for her mother. However, it wasn't until she was well in to her twenties that she realized that her calling was sharing her stories with a larger audience than just family members and friends.

Now, Sable is dedicated to her craft and to bringing her readers quality fiction with unforgetable characters. For her, writing a story means writing a story meant to touch the mind, body, heart, and soul.

On the Web

Published Work

Loose Id

Liquid Silver Books

Midnight Showcase