Doctor Scott

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1957 US Edition
By Peggy Dern
Publisher Harlequin Romance #388
Release Month 1957 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by White Face
Followed by Circle F Cowboy

Book Description

The first person Doctor Scott Etheridge met when he arrived in Hamilton to set up in practice as a doctor there, was attractive Kate Ryan, and he decided he was going to like Hamilton very much.

Kate lived with her widowed father in a lovely old house called ‘River Edge’. They were themselves newcomers, and the fact that Tim Ryan had had enough money to buy the huge old family house from the Parhams and have the many necessary repairs made, had antagonized the townspeople who made no secret of their dislike of Kate and her father.

When the personable new young doctor picked out the Ryans for his special friends and took a keen interest in assisting Mr. Ryan to set up a medical clinic for negroes, this made a wider gulf then ever between the Ryans and the villagers. And beautiful Chloe Parham did all she could to make Kate appear to disadvantage in Dr. Scott’s eyes, with considerable success.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1957 <br\>US Edition