The Rock Cried Out

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1953 US Edition
By Edward Stanley
Publisher Harlequin Romance #209
Release Month 1953 (US)
Harlequin Romance Series #
Preceded by Pillar Of Fire
Followed by McSorely's Wonderful Saloon

Book Description

To escape the social consequences of a forbidden desire, Margaret and Harman flee to the wild and primitive America of the 18th Century. Here they seek to hide their shame, and become entangled in the life and death issues of a country new to everything except bloodshed, vice and death.

Here Margaret, a daring and brilliant woman, comes under the influence of Aaron Burr, the sophisticated insurrectionist. Fleeing a murder warrant, Burr involves Margaret and Harmon in his audacious schemes for the future, and from this moment forward, their tragic story rises to a climax fromwhich there is no returning.

Cover Variation (By Release Date)

1953 <br\>US Edition