Champagne Rules

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Book Description

Champagne Rules is driven by sexual encounters: Suzanne Brennan, a Canadian, and Jaxon Navarre, a Jamaican immigrant, meet on nude beach in Crete and immediately find a private spot for sex. Years later, Suzanne seeks out Jaxon (without knowing his name) via an Internet ad. The two are reunited; neither wants a relationship but both want to keep the sex fresh, leading to the "rules" of the title: no commitment, etc. Each prefers to focus on good sex while leading their separate lives.

Eventually, real lives intrude on the party, and, like champagne, the rules go flat. With erotica titles, there is tendency to emphasize sex over relationships, and Lyons works to move beyond the endless stream of sex scenes by giving her characters full and rich lives.


"While the cover is the publisher’s domain, the story is the author’s; and Lyons doesn’t duck or conceal the nature of hers and handles it with a skill and confidence that belie her standing as a first-time author. She labels her unique brand of fiction as “chick lit erotic romance” and that is as apt a description of her work as there could be."