Ghost Wind

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Book Description

Author Lanelle Durant has left behind her an abusive husband whose irrational behavior had become more and more bizarre and whose temper she was beginning to fear. It was kismet that her car broke down on Interstate 80 in the heart of Iowa for she learns her ex-husband is lying in wait for her in her native Georgia, his anger building, his irrational behavior even more frightening.

Deciding to stay awhile in the bucolic little town of Grinnell as her car is being repaired, Lani takes a leisurely drive into the countryside and there she discovers an old farmstead that calls to her, a place that beckons the country girl in her, bidding her to buy the quaint Victorian farmhouse and make it her own.

But the long-vacant house at Rock Creek has a ghostly resident whose siren call to Lani is stronger than death and more seductive than she can withstand. Glimpsing a handsome face in the depths of an old mirror, she is spellbound and unwilling to forego the pleasures it whispers. In the arms of a spectral lover, she will discover that there really is life after death.