Gone With The Monster

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2009 Ebook Cover

Book Description


From Samhain Publishing:

Kidnapping and bondage are no way to win a girl. Well, actually…

Monsters in Hollywood, Book 3

Runako has good reason to distrust humans. His sister’s murder taught him it’s safer to keep his Monster form under wraps. Now comes word that a woman is making a movie that will supposedly “help” his people. He’s not sure about that, but one thing is sure…Margo is too beautiful to be ignored.

Presented with the opportunity to use his people’s Captive Caves—a secluded mountain fortress designed to hold hapless, tasty humans prisoner—Runako knows exactly whom he wants to star in his ultimate fantasy.

Margo knows exactly what she wants and how to get it. At least where her career is concerned. Runako is just the kind of bad boy with whom she’d like to heat up her nights. In a land of skinny blondes, though, a hottie like him would never notice her lush, Latin curves.

No one is more surprised when she finds out his version of “wooing” includes kidnapping. Forced to stand before him in chains, her paper-thin confidence is burning up fast in the heat of his desire. And when it turns out she can identify his sister’s murderers, they both must decide where their loyalties lie…

Warning: This title contains light bondage, spanking, anal play, sex with a Monster and misuse of home décor.


From Samhain Publishing:

“What do you want with me?” Margo asked, voice gone husky.

“With you? I would like to have sex with you.”

Yes, please! Still, meeting in a dark parking lot was hardly romantic. Where was the wine, the chocolates? Okay she’d settle for a vodka shot and tacos, but it was the principle of the thing.

“So you’re here to…what?” she asked, grunting as she redoubled her efforts to pry his fingers away.

“I’m going to kidnap you.”

Margo laughed. “Nice one.”

Runako didn’t laugh.

“Let me go,” Margo demanded, a bit worried. She might have to punch him again.


“I said let me go.”

“But I want you. And you are not strong enough to free yourself.”

“I said. Let. Me. Go. Déjeme ir.”

“I am taking you away.”

“Like hell. Where?”

“To the Captive Caves.”

“The Captive… Oh hell no. What kind of dumb-ass idea is this?”

“It was Michael’s idea. He was going to keep Jane in bondage in one of the caves.”

“Did he hurt Jane? Did he fucking hurt her? I will kill him. They will never find all the pieces of his body. Él es muerto. And if you helped him hurt her you are dead too. I’ll get my gun. I bet you aren’t bulletproof—”

“You are loyal, and willing to fight to protect those you love,” Runako said, lifting Margo off the ground. “I thought humans only hunted for the sport of it.”

“Where’s Jane? Where is she?” Margo squeaked, toes kicking at Runako, who ignored her. Nobody had picked her up since she was in kindergarten.

“She is with Michael. She agreed to be his mate, so he no longer needed to keep her in bondage.” Runako shifted his hold, flipping Margo so that he held her draped over his muscled arms. He unfurled his wings with a sound like canvas snapping in a breeze.

“What are you doing?” Margo demanded.

“Since the cave is available, I am taking you there, to keep you in bondage.”

And for the first time in her life, Margo was utterly speechless.

Publication History

Related Titles

Monsters In Hollywood Series

  1. Lights, Camera…Monsters, 2008 (Samhain Publishing)
  2. My Fair Monster, 2008 (Samhain Publishing)
  3. Gone With The Monster, 2009 (Samhain Publishing)