Heather Holland

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Heather Holland writes erotic romance and loves every minute of it. She has works published with Ellora's Cave. She writes in the genres of Paranormal, SciFi/Futuristic, Fantasy, and Contemporary.

Heather is one of the founding authors who collaborated on the Hunters For Hire series available through Ellora's Cave. She is also coordinating author for the series. Her first book in the Hunters For Hire saga is titled Dagger's Blade, though no release date is currently available for that.


Other Projects


Heather grew up in a lazy southern town located somewhere in NE Arkansas. The oldest of three, she excelled in school but never knew what she wanted to do. She always loved to tell stories and wrote many shorts throughout her years in school, but never actively considered a career in writing, despite being a member of the school paper for a few years.

It wasn't until after the birth of her fourth child in 2002 that Heather decided to write that first great novel...which sadly flopped. No one was interested in a cowboy, so after an author chat at Writerspace, Heather struck up a conversation with writer R. Casteel, who encouraged her to write something to submit to Ellora's Cave. The great internet search began, because she had never heard of such a place. With research done, she sat down to write her first paranormal and second completed story, which sold to Ellora's Cave in March 2003. For various reasons, the book was never released, but it was still the beginning of Heather's writing career.

Heather's first book to be released was the short story titled, The Beauty Within, a retelling of the classic Medusa myth in which the famed gorgon managed to find true love. To this day, Heather continues to crank out fanciful tales of love set in many different places and genres.

In January 2007, Heather teamed up with six other authors and created the scifi series, Hunters For Hire, that will be released exclusively through Ellora's Cave and Cerridwen Press. As of October 2007, four books for the series have been contracted and were written by LA Day (Savage - release date Nov. 7, 2007), Vicky Burkholder (Danger on Xy-One - relase date Jan. 10, 2008), Heather Holland (Dagger's Blade, release date TBA) and Anh Leod (Recreating John Doe - release date TBA). Heather is the coordinating author for the series, so if an author is interested in learning more about the series or wishes to obtain the series bible, contact Heather for that information.

On the Web

Contacting Heather

Heather can be reached through her website, her MySpace page, or any of the blogs and yahoo group she plays in.