Lilly Cain

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Author Lilly Cain ~

Pseudonym(s) Anne Rose ~


Carina Press ~

Red Sage Publishing ~

Storybones Anthologies ~

Published Books

Bad Girls Know...No Reservations ~ 2012 Carina Press

Summary: Travis Morgan is thrilled to encounter the one woman who's never failed to get his blood pumping. Seeing Alicia Davis again brings it all back: their fierce academic rivalry, and the fact that he never followed through on his erotic fantasies about her. Alicia can't resist Travis's smoldering sensuality—or the opportunity to finally bed the man who starred in so many of her lusty daydreams in college. Unable to avoid the temptation to best Travis one more time, Alicia plans to submit to one night of pure pleasure and then leave Travis empty-handed and craving more. When Travis wakes up and realizes Alicia's played him, the gloves are off, and the game heats up as they each try to emerge on top—by whatever means necessary... 15,000 words

Working on Wicked ~ 2012 Indepenently Published

Summary: Sarah Pickman had never been a particularly good witch. But she’d never been this terrible. With her luck on a downswing, and her lovelife non-existent, she decides to use the power of Halloween to grant her a night of pleasure in a fantasy lover’s arms—just the pick-me-up she needs. Too bad she never did learn to mix potions the way her granny had. Moving from New York to the small town feel of Salem had had its ups and downs but Barrett McAllister never expected to be greeted on the night of his move to his new home by a naked and willing witch. Not one to say no to the spirit of Halloween, Adam gives his sensual neighbor a night filled with treats she’ll never forget. But when the morning comes and she realized he’s really flesh and blood, it’s up to him to convince her that magic sometimes works in mysterious ways. 15,000 words

Undercover Alliance - Book 3 in the Confederacy Treaty Series ~ 2012 Carina Press

Summary: Sarina is scarred. Her L'inar, the curving nerve lines that enable Inarrii to experience their full sexuality, were severed in battle and she can no longer reach completion. Until she accepts a job as bodyguard to the human ambassador John Bennings, and is astonished to discover that they share a mental bond—a mirrored pathway of thoughts that will allow Sarina to climax. When John's the target of an attack and they are forced into hiding, he's not sorry to be in close quarters with the compelling Sarina. They explore their erotic connection, and John is happy to demonstrate that humans have more sexual skills than Sarina thought. To prove that she is whole and rejoin her Inarrii clan, Sarina needs John to bring her to climax in public in accordance with tradition. With a roomful of Inarrii and humans watching, will John be willing to perform as Sarina needs—and will their public display make John vulnerable to another attack?

Demon Lovers: Succubi Anthology (Calling Syn) ~ 2012 Storybones Publishing

Summary: She visits your dreams, or she visits your bed. She is sex incarnate: hot, irresistible, and oh so willing. Willing to seduce you, or to destroy you—whatever feeds her needs of the moment. Join us in this collection of tales about succubi and their encounters with human lovers. Thirteen authors share their vision of the succubus, the legendary creature who feeds on sexual vitality and energy from her victims. Must an encounter with a succubus always be deadly? No—but it is always memorable, for the person she takes into her embrace has something she wants and cannot live without. Read on and be embraced. Calling Syn Every job has its risks—but not many run the hazard where failure means being devoured body and soul. It’s Julien Black’s job to raise demons—he gets paid to summon them to meet with his underground employers. It’s not up to him what happens next, it’s not his deal. But Julien’s never raised a succubus and he has no idea of the power the wily females have at hand. When the demon he’s called names herself as Syn, Priestess of the Temple of Lust, Julien knows he’s in trouble. He’s been sabotaged and Syn is about to escape. Julien must find a way to soothe her desires and save his soul, but staying in control isn’t easy when you’re with a succubus named Syn.

Return to Me ~ 2011 Independently Published

Summary: Anna Scott lives along on the coast of New England, enjoying the solitude that comes with Five Island Cove. Except she isn’t always alone. Every year, as the weather warms, the seals return and so does her lover, a man who makes her as wild as an ocean storm, a man with magic in his soul. Cael is a selkie, an ocean-born shapeshifter. Unlike his brothers he has never forgotten his lover when he returned to the swells of the deep ocean. Every summer two lovers reunite, fighting the odds that the ocean will take away Cael’s memory of being with Anna, and disobeying the unwritten law of his people to never reveal the truth of their lives under the waves. This summer, as they near the time to part again, Cael and Anna face a new threat, a tangible one as hunters arrive in Five Island Cove. Can their love last through even more secrets and danger?

The Naked Truth - Book 2 of the Confederacy Treaty Series ~ 2011 Carina Press

Summary: Captain Susan Branscombe was the victim of brutal torture at the hands of terrorists. Though rescued, she’s now facing an equally brutal accusation: treason. The only way she can prove her innocence is to allow Asler Kiis, a Confederacy Examiner, to delve into the depths of her mind. Asler is Inarri, the alien race that made contact with Earth just months before. His duty is to find the truth, but when he explores Susan’s mind he can’t resist drawing her into a more intimate experience. Susan takes comfort in Asler’s heated sensuality. Their erotic sensory exploration chases away the darkness and her body aches for more. But as their desire reaches new limits Susan finds it difficult to suppress the memories she is desperate to forget. Is the passion they share enough to let Susan push aside her fear and trust Asler, not only with her mind and body but with her ever-opening heart?

Building Magic ~ 2010 Red Sage Publishing

Summary: When architecture student and summertime welder Tina Moreland develops a reputation as a peeping Tom, it isn’t the first time she’s been teased for being different. Catching a glimpse of the man of her dreams is worth the aggravation. But when she witnesses him doing something stranger than stripping in his hightower office, it’s enough to make her forget that when working unharnessed on the fifth floor, the first step is a long way down. Sent to Earth to find a power source strong enough to end the civil war at home, Devin Ken’Draga doesn’t have time to rescue a damsel in distress. But since she is literally falling at his feet, he can’t help but to save her. Bringing her home wasn’t part of the plan, but once they fall through the magical portal together, there is no going back. It is only when he spreads his wings in his true dragon form that Devin realizes something he hadn’t anticipated – the woman is a virgin, a temptation no dragon can resist. Together Devin and Tina create a sensual bond, gladly sacrificing virginity to find love and a solution to the bloody war.

Alien Revealed - Book 1 in the Confederacy Treaty Series ~ 2010 Carina Press

Summary: Inarrii agent Alinna Gaerrii was tasked with observing the Starforce base on Earth. Crash landing her observation pod onto the base was not part of her mission briefing. Neither was making m’ittar—mind contact—with Major David Brown, the human who discovered her amongst the wreckage. David thinks she’s a psychologist sent to evaluate his Special Forces team, and Alinna goes along with his misconception, seizing the opportunity to observe humans up close. But their daily contact has unexpected side effects, and Alinna soon invades David’s dreams. Through their intimate mental connection she allows him to express his forbidden physical desires. Alinna delights in the sensory exploration and grows excited by the prospect of a treaty with the humans and a potential life mate in David. But an attack from an unknown ship sends the base into chaos, and Alinna may be forced to reveal her lie, erasing all hope of a successful treaty, and driving David away forever…

Dark Harmony ~ 2010 Red Sage Publishing

Summary: Running from a lover that has twisted her very nature, Lena Townsend hunts alone. Her mildly adventurous sexual life reached its pinnacle, and its end, when she met sexually dominant vampire Darien. He stole her life, and used her sensual nature to bend her to his will. In making her his own, he placed her in a position where she must constantly submit to him, yet be dominant to his pack. It's a conflict that pulls her apart. In leaving the pack, Lena strives for independence, but her vampire instincts push her to find more - to find a new pack, a new family. Alone, she cannot share what makes her vampire, and she cannot find a lover she can trust enough to reveal her submissive nature. In her escape Lena discovers a power that could save her - the ability to read and influence emotion. With this talent she might survive the loneliness. Unfortunately, her old pack wants her back, no matter what. Richard Heron has given up everything for his daughter since the murder of his wife, but what he misses most is the chance to explore his deeply sensual side once again. Once the owner of a popular S&M club, and its favored dom, he left everything he was to shelter his family. Lena could offer him more than he ever expected, a level of sensuality he never knew existed and a love that could never die, but he must reconcile the danger she brings with his need to shield his family - especially when what killed his wife was certainly not human.